The Art of Listening: What's the big deal...why is it important to be a good listener?

Why does listening matter?

We converse with others on a daily basis - it is one of the most normal things we do as human beings. This means that we hear what other people are saying (at least some of the time!).

Yet what would happen if we really, truly, tried to be a good listener in these interactions?

Listening forms the substance of all relationships - family, friends, coworkers, people we encounter daily. Our ability or willingness to listen - or lack thereof - plays a significant role in the quality of our relationships. Our interactions with others have a direct impact on our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Think about the last time you fought with a loved one or had conflict at work. I’m willing to bet this affected you on many levels. Did it affect your emotions? Your thoughts? Your sleep?

Our relationships are also the means by which we give and receive love, we know and are known. In my opinion, this is the primary purpose of life. So, listening to people we are in relationship with affects everything. Listening is our ability to communicate care to another. Listening says, “You are valuable. You are important. You are worthy of my attention.”

Philosopher Simone Veil wrote that, “Attention is the rarest and purist form of generosity.” When we give our undivided attention to another, we give an uncommon gift that has a powerful impact. We may never know the full weight of this experience for another person, but we can trust that the space we are creating for them is making a difference.

Try listening well to someone today, and see what happens!