The Art of Listening: What does it mean to listen well?

As I wrap up this blog series on The Art of Listening, I want to revisit the fundamental question: What does it mean to listen well?

Listening well means that you are genuinely open to hearing another person’s experience of reality, without placing a judgment on it. This forms the foundation for any healthy relationship.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have opinions, feelings, or preferences about what someone says. Certainly you can have a different experience or perspective. In fact, I am quite suspicious of people who say they agree with their partner or friends about everything! If that is the case, then there is not likely to be a lot of honest communicating happening in that relationship.

Listening well simply means that you are able to suspend your opinions, feelings, or preferences for a time while the other person is sharing so that you can hear them fully. It means you are able to tolerate those differences without being reactive. It means you are open to being challenged and even changed by a different experience of reality.

That is the heart of intimacy - to nonjudgmentally listen to the experience of another’s reality, and to receive that same space in return. The connection and transformation that can happen when we choose to give (and receive!) this kind of space to another is amazing to behold.

Oftentimes, there is so much more available to us in relatiohips than we even realize! What would it look like for you to start cultivating this type of intimacy in your relationships today? What would it feel like?

Happy Listening!